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Submit your Comrades qualifying details by 6 May

Monday, 6 May 2024 is the final date for submission of qualifying details for this year’s Comrades Marathon. The Comrades Marathon Association’s (CMA) IT & Entries Team is currently processing the information submitted by athletes, in terms of qualifying race and time, running club details, provincial club licence number and filling in the medical questionnaire.


CMA Race & Operations Manager, Ann Ashworth says, “It is vital that every aspirant #Comrades2024 runner submits all necessary qualifying details in order for them to meet the requirements to participate in this year’s race. We urge athletes to submit accurate information. The submission of inaccurate or fraudulent information may result in a participant being barred from taking part in this year's race.”


Qualifying for the 2024 Comrades Marathon is applicable as of 1 September 2023 till 6 May 2024. The qualifying criteria for this year’s Comrades Marathon will be to complete a standard 42.2km marathon in under 4 hours and 50 minutes.


To update your details, please log into your entry profile via the Comrades website


Telephonic submissions will be taken from 08h00 till 16h30 on Monday, 6 May 2024 while online submissions close at midnight on the 6th. For more information, please call Comrades House on 033 897 8650 or email


The 97th Comrades Marathon will be the 49th Up Run on Sunday, 9 June 2024, starting at the Durban City Hall at 05h30 and ending 12 hours later at the HollywoodBets Scottsville Racecourse in Pietermaritzburg, covering a distance of 85.91km.


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