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Comrades Refreshment Statistics

With less than 20 days to Comrades race day on Sunday, 9 June 2024, the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has confirmed that there will be 48 well-stocked and strategically positioned refreshment stations along this year’s Up Run route, to provide for runners’ hydration and sustenance.


The refreshment stations are staffed by nearly 5000 volunteers from sponsoring companies and service organisations, many of which have been providing this service for more than a decade.


Along the 85.91km route from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, the 48 refreshment stations will stock the following:

Coke: ​30,350 litres

Fanta / Crème Soda: ​10,650 litres

Coke paper cups (175ml): ​450,000

Thirsti water sachets: ​2,2 million

Thirsti sports drink sachets: ​600,000

Asemzansi Amahewu: ​45,000 

Bavaria Malt: 22,000 x 150ml cans 

Cooked baby potatoes: ​2 tons

Bananas: 600 boxes

Oranges: ​4.5 tons

Energy biscuits: 500 kg

Salticrax: 500 kg


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